17th May 2022

Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) at Linc

Corporate News
Across the UK, reporting on ESG has been disjointed and sporadic. To help with this, and to assist lenders in their comparisons, an ESG Social Housing Working Group was set up.

It aims to develop a standardised approach to reporting ESG performance within the social housing sector.

In 2020, a Sustainability Reporting Standard for Social Housing (SRS) was launched. 

“The SRS is a voluntary reporting framework, covering 48 criteria across ESG considerations such as zero carbon targets, affordability,  safety and resident voice.” - The ESG Social Housing Working Group

Linc has adopted the SRS which will see us produce our first report against each of the 48 criteria and our new ESG group will play a pivotal role in this. 

Some ESG highlights from 2020/2021

  • Our colleagues led on a Welsh Government bid that enabled 12 food pantries to be created and sustained across Bridgend
  • We planted 900 trees across south Wales through the Ovo Energy ‘I Dig Trees’ scheme. The trees have been planted around sites managed by Linc and local partners to improve  areas for residents and for wildlife
  • By partnering with HACT to deliver fuel poverty relief, we were able to provide discount vouchers totalling over £7000 in payments
  • We publicly pledged as part of Welsh Government's Working Together To Reach Net Zero: All Wales Plan 2021 – 2025 to roll out carbon literacy training to colleagues, continue the decarbonisation of our social housing and complete a SHIFT assessment to inform our decarbonisation strategy
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