First phase of Pentrebane Street redevelopment set to begin
In preparation for the demolition of the current buildings, a partial closure of the footpath in front of numbers 8 to 20 Clive Street will begin from March 17 onwards. A closure of the lane connecting Pentrebane Street and Clive Street, behind properties on Bradford Street, will be in place as needed from the same date. Demolition work is expected to take around 20 weeks.
Once completed, the new Pentrebane Street complex will be made up of three new buildings around a central public space. It will include 72 apartments, offered as a mix of social rent and market rent, as well as seven new commercial units.
The £21m redevelopment is funded by Caerphilly Council and the Welsh Government’s Transforming Towns programme. The complex will be managed by Linc Cymru, part of the Pobl Group.
Caerphilly council deputy leader Jamie Pritchard said: “The redevelopment of the former indoor market on Pentrebane Street will bring much-needed housing to the town centre as well as a healthy mix of commercial and retail units. This part of town is in need of positive change and this project will go some way towards injecting some vibrancy into the area.
“Any construction project takes time with an element of disruption for its neighbours, but measures are being taken to limit the impact to surrounding residents and businesses while demolition takes place.
“We thank everyone for their patience and cooperation as we work towards the next step in Caerphilly reaching its full potential.”