Housing Associations Merge To Bring Benefit To Community
Baneswell Housing Association (BHA), established in 1973, owns and rents 70 homes in the Baneswell area of Newport City. In October 2018, the tenants of BHA, indicated their preference to find a merger partner. Following a robust process that saw five housing associations express their interest, Linc Cymru (Linc) were awarded preferred partner status.
Scott Sanders, CEO, Linc says:
“At a time when housing associations are growing and evolving their services and business structures, we feel it is particularly important to retain the unique impact that BHA had as a community led housing association. On this basis, we have retained the BHA brand in the Baneswell community and are continuing to build on the principles of person centred, community-based service delivery. Linc is proud to work in Newport and the established partnerships with Newport City Council and local businesses will only enhance the outcomes for tenants in Baneswell.”
BHA is built upon strong community relationships and has been pivotal within the local area. For this reason, the case for change put forward by Linc focused upon preserving the BHA brand and its unique qualities, keeping it at the forefront of the community, whilst putting in place a governance structure that meets the expectations of Welsh Government and supports the ambition of BHA to continue to invest in its homes.
Linda Williams, Baneswell Housing Association, adds:
“It was apparent from the outset that the organisational cultures of Linc and BHA were extremely compatible, focussing on delivering great services to communities, safeguarding future investment and delivering robust governance in a fast-changing world. We are confident that combining forces creates an enhanced outcome for tenants, through a shared desire to provide top class services through local service delivery and great partnerships, this will be extremely powerful.”
Linc currently works across 10 Local Authority Areas, providing 4,500 homes and services to over 9000 people. Within Newport, Linc owns and manages 582 homes that meet a range of needs such as general housing, sheltered, extra care and nursing.
MAE YMRWYMIAD I draddodiad a’r gymuned wedi arwain at uniad llwyddiannus dwy o gymdeithasau tai y De.
Mae Baneswell Housing Association (BHA), a sefydlwyd ym 1973, yn berchen ar ac yn rhentu 70 o gartrefi yn ardal Baneswell dinas Casnewydd. Ym mis Hydref 2018, dywedodd tenantiaid BHA eu bod yn awyddus i uno gyda phartner newydd. Yn dilyn proses drylwyr a ddenodd ddiddordeb gan bump o gymdeithasau tai, dyfarnwyd y statws partner i gwmni Linc Cymru (Linc).
Meddai Scott Sanders, Prif Swyddog Gweithredol Linc:
“Ar adeg pan fo cymdeithasau tai yn tyfu ac yn esblygu eu gwasanaethau a’u strwythurau busnes, roeddem yn teimlo ei bod hi’n hynod bwysig cadw at y dylanwad unigryw a gafodd BHA fel cymdeithas dai dan law’r gymuned. Felly, rydym wedi cadw brand BHA yng nghymuned Baneswell ac yn parhau i adeiladu ar egwyddorion darpariaeth gwasanaeth yn y gymuned sy’n canolbwyntio ar yr unigolyn. Mae Linc yn falch o weithio yng Nghasnewydd, a bydd y partneriaethau â Chyngor Dinas Casnewydd a busnesau lleol yn sicrhau canlyniadau gwell fyth i denantiaid Baneswell.”
Mae BHA yn seiliedig ar gysylltiadau cymunedol cadarn ac wedi bod yn hollbwysig yn yr ardal leol. O’r herwydd, mae’r achos dros newid a gyflwynwyd gan Linc wedi canolbwyntio ar gadw brand BHA a’i nodweddion unigryw gan barhau’n rhan flaenllaw o’r gymuned, ynghyd â chyflwyno strwythur lywodraethu sy’n bodloni disgwyliadau Llywodraeth Cymru ac sy’n cefnogi uchelgais BHA i barhau i fuddsoddi yn ei gartrefi.
Ychwanegodd Linda Williams, Baneswell Housing Association:
“Roedd hi’n amlwg o’r cychwyn cyntaf fo diwylliannau sefydliadol Linc a BHA yn cydweddu’n berffaith, gyda phwyslais ar gyflenwi gwasanaethau gwych i gymunedau, diogelu buddsoddiad y dyfodol a darparu trefn lywodraethu gadarn mewn byd sy’n prysur newid. Trwy uno, rydym yn hyderus y bydd hynny’n creu canlyniadau gwell i denantiaid, trwy awydd ar y cyd i gyflwyno gwasanaethau o’r radd flaenaf trwy ddarpariaeth leol a phartneriaethau penigamp – bydd hyn yn bwerus dros ben.”
Ar hyn o bryd, mae Linc yn gweithio ledled deg awdurdod lleol, gan ddarparu 4,500 o gartrefi a gwasanaethau i 9000 a mwy o bobl. Yng Nghasnewydd, mae Linc yn berchen ar, ac yn rheoli, 582 o dai sy’n diwallu anghenion amrywiol fel cartrefi cyffredinol, tai lloches, gofal ychwanegol a nyrsio.