31st July 2020

Our Self-Evaluation 2019/20

Corporate News
WELCOME TO our self-evaluation. It’s an overview of what we have been up to over the past year and how we have been working towards the ambitious goals we set out in our OneLinc business plan.

From connecting with communities to create quality green spaces, to building more affordable homes to meet the needs of local people, our work this year has been firmly rooted in our purpose, ‘creating the right environment for people to flourish’.

While there have been many positives to reflect upon, the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic has inevitably been our focus over recent months. As we prioritised the health, safety, and wellbeing of our customers and colleagues, we had to change the way we work and interact. Our nursing homes have had to adapt, and through the hard work and commitment of staff, they are continuing to provide high quality care and creating positive environments for our residents. We’ve also seen lots of examples of amazing community spirit with so many tenants and residents providing help and support to neighbours, friends and family. You can read more about our Coronavirus (COVID-19) response in our self-evaluation.  

You can read our self-evaluation in English here. 

To stay up to date with all the latest news from us, like our Facebook page, facebook.com/LincCymruHA or follow us on Twitter, @Linc_Cymru.


Croeso i’n hunanwerthusiad. Mae’n drosolwg o'r hyn rydym ni wedi bod yn ei wneud dros y flwyddyn ddiwethaf a sut rydym wedi bod yn gweithio tuag at y nodau uchelgeisiol a nodwyd yn ein cynllun busnes OneLinc.

O gysylltu â chymunedau i greu gofodau gwyrdd o ansawdd, i adeiladu cartrefi mwy fforddiadwy i ddiwallu anghenion pobl leol, mae ein gwaith eleni wedi ei ymwreiddio’n gadarn yn ein diben, sef ‘creu’r amgylchedd iawn i bobl ffynnu’.

Er bod llawer o bethau positif i fyfyrio arnyn nhw, mae ein ffocws yn anochel wedi bod ar y pandemig Coronafeirws (COVID-19) yn y misoedd diwethaf. A ninnau wedi rhoi blaenoriaeth i iechyd, diogelwch a llesiant ein cwsmeriaid a’n cydweithwyr, roedd yn rhaid i ni newid ein ffordd o weithio a rhyngweithio. Mae ein cartrefi nyrsio wedi gorfod addasu, a drwy waith caled ac ymrwymiad ein staff, maen nhw’n parhau i ddarparu gofal o ansawdd uchel ac yn creu amgylcheddau positif i’n preswylwyr. Rydym ni hefyd wedi gweld sawl enghraifft o ysbryd cymunedol ardderchog gyda chymaint o denantiaid a phreswylwyr yn cynnig cymorth a chefnogaeth i gymdogion, ffrindiau a theulu. Gallwch ddarllen mwy am ein hymateb i Goronafeirws (COVID-19) yn ein hunanwerthusiad.


Am y newyddion diweddaraf, hoffwch ein tudalen Facebook, facebook.com/LincCymruHA neu dilynwch ni ar Twitter, @Linc_Cymru.

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