17th May 2024

Universal Credit Update – Employment & Support Update

We're now proactively reaching out to customers who have previously spoken to us regarding Employment & Support Allowance (ESA) as you may have (or may shortly) receive a letter from the DWP.

We're now proactively reaching out to customers who have previously spoken to us regarding Employment & Support Allowance (ESA) as you may have (or may shortly) receive a letter from the DWP.  


Anyone currently claiming ESA will receive a letter from the DWP and HMRC as part of the rollout of that will let you know your tax credits (child and working tax) will be ending. The letter is called a migration notice. You will then have 3 months to make a claim for Universal Credit (UC).


You should not take any action until you receive your Migration Notice letter, however when you do, it’s important you check the date that you will need to claim by as you won’t be moved automatically. You will have three months to make the claim.


Please don’t ignore your letter as it explains what you need to do next. It also provides information on the help available to prevent you from missing out on financial support from the government. If you want to talk to someone about it now or at the time, then please get in touch with us via 0330 175 9726 or adviceandsupport@poblgroup.co.uk.



Diweddariad Credyd Cynhwysol – Diweddariad Cyflogaeth a Chymorth


Rydym bellach yn mynd ati’n rhagweithiol i estyn allan at gwsmeriaid sydd wedi siarad â ni o’r blaen ynghylch Lwfans Cyflogaeth a Chymorth (LCC) oherwydd efallai y byddwch wedi (neu efallai’n fuan) yn derbyn llythyr gan yr Adran Gwaith a Phensiynau. 


Bydd unrhyw un sy’n hawlio LCC ar hyn o bryd yn derbyn llythyr gan yr Adran Gwaith a Phensiynau a Chyllid a Thollau EM fel rhan o’r broses o’i gyflwyno a fydd yn rhoi gwybod i chi y bydd eich credydau treth (treth plant a gwaith) yn dod i ben. Gelwir y llythyr yn hysbysiad mudo. Yna bydd gennych 3 mis i wneud cais am Gredyd Cynhwysol (UC).


Ni ddylech gymryd unrhyw gamau nes i chi dderbyn eich llythyr Hysbysiad Ymfudo, fodd bynnag, pan fyddwch yn gwneud hynny, mae’n bwysig eich bod yn gwirio’r dyddiad y bydd angen i chi wneud cais gan na fyddwch yn cael eich symud yn awtomatig. Bydd gennych dri mis i wneud y cais.


Peidiwch ag anwybyddu eich llythyr gan ei fod yn egluro beth sydd angen i chi ei wneud nesaf. Mae hefyd yn darparu gwybodaeth am y cymorth sydd ar gael i'ch atal rhag colli allan ar gymorth ariannol gan y llywodraeth. Os ydych chi eisiau siarad â rhywun amdano nawr neu ar y pryd, yna cysylltwch â ni drwy ffonio 0330 175 9726 neu adviceandsupport@poblgroup.co.uk.

Handy links


When you need to apply for Universal Credit  - Move to Universal Credit (ucmove.campaign.gov.uk)



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