Work has restarted works on site to build 48 affordable apartments in Cardiff city Centre.
Work has restarted works on site to build 48 affordable apartments for social rent in Cardiff city centre.
Registered social landlord Linc Cymru (Linc) is behind the project, called The Cascade and is constructing the scheme in partnership with Cardiff Council with funding support from the Welsh Government’s Social Housing Grant Programme.
The two buildings at 48-54 City Road and Vere Street will also include two new commercial units which will be available to let for a variety of uses under the A1, A2, B1, D1, D2 use class order.
Development work stopped in October 2022 after the previous contractor went into administration.
Linc is now using Cardiff-based contractor, Langstone Construction Group to complete the scheme, and they have set up a site compound on land owned by Linc on nearby Shakespeare Street.
Richard Hallett, development manager from Linc, said: “It’s brilliant to start 2024 by getting work underway on these much-needed affordable homes in the city. They will be suitable for couples and single occupants.
“Our plans feature natural planting on the outside of the building and a roof terrace.
“Alongside building new homes we’re going to be able to provide apprenticeships on site and we have already started work with the community at a local allotment and young people at schools in the area to see how we can benefit the community further.”
Linc has set up this microsite for The Cascade which will be kept up-to-date with the latest news on the site.