Tenant Panel
A voice for all tenants and residents
The Tenant Panel was launched in 2011 to help improve services. It is a partnership between tenants and staff and puts tenants at the heart of the organisation.
What we do...
We represent Linc’s tenants and residents. We share ideas and views from a tenant and residents point of view. We get involved with decision making, monitoring and scrutiny. We receive training and support from Linc and meet regularly with the Linc team and our Tenant Champions to:
- Learn about what Linc is doing across the whole organisation
- Take part in developing policies and strategies
- Represent tenants and residents across all Linc’s services including Repairs and Maintenance
- Discuss lasting solutions to priority issues
- Make decisions that affect everyone
- Encourage tenant and resident involvement at a strategic and local level
- Support the Tenant Service Testers to check the quality of services and make recommendations for improvement
- Act as members of the Contractor Review Panel
- Support Branching Out, the Grapevine Reading Group and encourage other ways to get involved