Want to make a difference?
You, our customers, are at the heart of our business. We want to continue to involve you in how we design and deliver our services as well as our plans and strategies for the future. We also want to support and empower you to get involved at a local level, should you wish.
We offer a wide range of opportunities for you to get involved. Our Menu of Engagement Opportunities is set out below and includes the level of engagement that might be required for the activity as well as the time commitment you might expect to make. A full copy of our Tenant and Community Engagement Strategy can be viewed here.
Menu of Engagement Opportunities
Engagement Through Everyday Interactions and Conversations
Engaging with us covers a wide spectrum: You may get involved in day-to-day conversations with our colleagues or perhaps you will join us for an estate walkabout. You might use our website, social media or take part in responding to regular surveys.
We will listen to a wide range of customer voices and capture local information to support us to make better decisions. When you respond to a survey, we will look at every response as well as the themes that emerge. What you say will feed into our decision making.
This option for engagement is open for all and it is up to you how much time you commit and at what level you participate with us.
Our Tenant and Resident Strategic Group (TRSG)
This is our strategic tenant body who get involved in strategic matters such as our future direction, business improvements, strategy, regulation, health and safety, and diversity and inclusion.
What you say will be heard and acted upon and we will inform you about how your involvement has made a difference. We will regularly report what you say to our Board.
You need to apply to become a member of the group and you will be expected to spend about 4 hours per month on this strategic level of involvement.
Our TRSG have a Twitter account you can follow, simply go to twitter.com and search @TRSGLinc_Cymru
Tenant Scrutiny Boot Camps
A fun, engaging, social and active way for a variety of customers and staff, dependent upon the topics involved, to work together to take an in-depth look at an area of the business.
Recommendations from the group are presented to Board by customers and form an important part of our approach for continuous improvement.
You will be invited to take part in scrutiny from time to time if you are or have been affected by the topic that is being scrutinised. You will be expected to commit between 2 and 6 hours of your time for a scrutiny session.
Tenant Satisfaction Survey
We issue an independent tenant satisfaction survey every three months to capture feedback on a range of issues including satisfaction with our services and value for money.
Over 500 tenants a year take part, and the results help us focus our efforts on the issues that matter most. The results are also published in the Welsh Government Comparison Tool.
From time to time you might be selected to take part and the survey will take between 10 and 25 minutes of your time to complete.
Tenant Focus Groups
We run focus groups with a selection of tenants who have completed our tenant satisfaction survey, an incentive will be given to those who come along and informally share their views on our services.
Information from this research feeds into the way we design services. This provides us with more detailed feedback on what is going well and where we need to improve.
You will be selected to take part in a focus group from time to time.
Branching Out Club
You may not want to attend initiatives in our formal engagement structure, but still have a valuable contribution to make. Our Branching Out Club has over 500 members, who get involved from the comfort of their own homes.
From completing a survey online, to giving us feedback on a new policy, to commenting on our tenant magazine, there are lots of opportunities to have a say without needing to leave the house.
We look at every response from members of our Branching Out Club. Sometimes we will respond back to you directly and other times your views may be put together with others to identify trends and actions we can take.
Anybody can become a member of the Branching Out Club. You can select a topic of interest and it is up to you how much time you commit and what level you engage at. For policies you will be engaged at mid-level, but for surveys these may require a lower level of engagement.
Community Groups
We support local communities to run their own projects, such as community gardens, knitting sessions, bingo, social activities, and music groups. Some groups are formal, others informal. Some groups need a lot of support, others don’t need any. If needed, we can offer advice and guidance on raising money and making grant applications.
Where your group needs our input, we will listen and act on what matters to you, supporting you to achieve the community action and participation that is required to bring about improvements.
You can select what you are interested in and get involved to the level you wish. People often spend a few hours per week or a day per month on community type activities, but it depends on what you are trying to achieve and how much time you have to spare.
Community Grants
Each year we have a small pot of money which formal and informal community groups can apply for to get help to run their own community-based initiatives. We fund several projects a year to empower local people to run projects that matter to them. If you are a group with an idea which meets specific requirements such as health and wellbeing or community, you can apply for a grant of up to £500.
You will be expected to get involved to mid-level, making sure funds have been spent wisely and reporting back on the outcome of your activities. How much time you spend on the activity will depend upon what you are applying for.
We’d love you to get involved. We want to hear more voices. We want local communities to flourish and are open to new ideas.
Everybody Is Welcome!
Fancy a chat? Call the Community Engagement Team on 0800 072 0966 or by email: community@linc-cymru.co.uk we’d love to hear from you.